31-12-2004 / 31-12-2024 | Avyakt BapDada |
Today, BapDada, the Creator of the new age, has come to celebrate the New Year with His children. Out of love for His children, He has come from the far-away land to the corporeal world to celebrate the Godly meeting with them. In the world, they give greetings for the New Year to one another, but BapDada is giving greetings to you children for both the New Year and the New Age. The celebration of the New Year is just a celebration of one day, whereas you celebrate the New Age constantly at the confluence age. All of you have arrived here having been pulled by the attraction of God’s love. However, who has come from the furthest away? Is it the double foreigners? They are still from this corporeal world, but how far-away is the land from which has BapDada, the Resident of the far-away land, has come? Can you calculate the distance of how many miles Baba has come? So, BapDada, the Resident of the far-away land, is seeing how all of you – whether you are sitting in front of Baba in the Diamond Hall, whether you are sitting in Madhuban, Gyan Sarovar, in the gallery, or all the children who are sitting faraway in this land or abroad celebrating a meeting with BapDada – are seeing and listening from far away. So, multimillion-fold congratulations, congratulations, congratulations for the New Age and the New Year to all the children everywhere. The New Age is in front of the eyes of you children, is it not? That is all! Today, you are at the confluence age and tomorrow, you will rule your kingdom in the New Age, as those who have a right to the kingdom. Do you experience it to be so close? It is just a question of today and tomorrow. You were that yesterday (kal) and you are going to become that tomorrow (kal) once again. Can you see your golden dress of your new age, the golden age in front of you? It is so beautiful. You can see it clearly, can you not? Today, you are in an ordinary dress and tomorrow, you will be in the beautiful sparkling dress of the new age. In the New Year, they give gifts to one another on just this one day. However, BapDada, the Creator of the New Age, has given all of you a gift of the golden world which will last for many births. It is not a perishable gift. The Father has given you children an imperishable gift. Do you remember it? You haven’t forgotten it, have you? You can come and go in a second. One moment you are at the confluence age, and the next moment, you can reach your golden world. Or, does it take long? You remember your kingdom then, do you not?
Today is said to be the day of bidding farewell, and, after midnight, it will be called the time of celebration. So, on the day of farewell, together with farewell to the year, what else have you bid farewell to? Did you check whether you have bid farewell for all time or have you bid farewell for only a short time? BapDada has already told you earlier, that time is moving at a very fast speed. So, did you check the result of the whole year, as to whether the speed of your efforts was fast? Or, was it sometimes one speed and at other times, a different speed? Seeing the conditions of the world, you must now especially make your two forms emerge. Those two forms are: To be merciful and benevolent towards all. Secondly, to be a master bestower, a child of the Bestower, for every soul. Souls of the world are completely powerless, sorrowful, peaceless and crying out. They are calling out in front of the Father and you worthy-of-worship souls: Give us happiness, peace, joy and courage even for a few moments. The Father cannot bear to see or hear the sorrow and distress of the children. Do all of you worthy-of-worship souls not feel mercy? They are begging: Give, give, give! So, children of the Bestower, at least give them a drop. The Father has also made you children His companions, the master bestowers, His right hands, and is giving this signal: You have to give all of those souls of the world liberation. All have to go to the land of liberation. So, O children of the Bestower, now through your elevated thoughts, with the power of your mind, give them liberation through any method, whether is it through words, relationships and connections, good wishes and pure feelings, vibrations or the atmosphere. They are crying out: Give us liberation! BapDada is telling His right hands: Have mercy!
Calculate until now in all the mega programmes, conferences you have had in Bharat, and the centres you have opened abroad, according to the total population of souls in the world, what percentage of souls have you shown the path of liberation to? Are you benefactors of just Bharat or abroad, of the five continents? Wherever you have opened a centre, are you the benefactors of that place or benefactors of the world? In order to benefit the world, each one of you children has to become the right hand of the Father. You are right hands, are you not? When you give something to someone, how do you give it? You give it with your hands, do you not? So, you are BapDada’s hands, are you not? You are His hands. So, BapDada is asking His right hands what percentage of souls have you benefited? What percentage have you benefited? Tell Baba. Calculate this. Pandavas are clever in calculating, are you not? This is why BapDada says: Now, intensify the efforts of the self and the efforts through the different methods of service.
In terms of the stage of the self, also especially check four things. This is called intense effort. Firstly, check whether you have the feeling of being an instrument. Is there any royal form of the consciousness of „I”? Is there any consciousness of „mine”? For ordinary people, „I” and „mine” are ordinary, they are gross. However, in Brahmin life, „mine” and „I” are subtle and royal. Do you know what the language of that is? „This happens all the time. This continues all the time. This will happen. We are moving along, we are seeing…” So, one is to be an instrument (nimit). You are an instrument in every way – whether in service, in your stage, in your relationships and connections. Your face and activity should be that of an instrument. The second speciality of that would be – feeling of an instrument and humble (nirman). An instrument and humility. To be an instrument and to carry out the renewal (nirmaan) with humility. So you heard three things – instrument, humility, renewal, and the fourth aspect is to be beyond sound (nirvana). Reach the land beyond sound whenever you want. Become stable in the stage beyond sound because only when you yourself are in the stage beyond sound will you enable other souls to reach the land beyond sound. Now, everyone wants liberation. They are crying out: Liberate us! Liberate us! So, to have these four things in a good percentage in your practical life means to be an intense effort-maker. Then BapDada will say: Wah! Wah children, wah! You too would say: Wah, Baba wah! Wah, drama wah! Wah, effort, wah! But do you know what you say? Do you? Sometimes you say „Wah” and sometimes, you say, „Why?” Instead of „Why”, it becomes „Hai” (distress). So, let it not be „Why?” but „Wah!” What do you like? Wah or why? What do you like? (Wah). Do you never say, „Why?” Does it come by mistake?
Do the double foreigners say, „Why? why?” Do you say this? Do you say „Why?” Do you sometimes say it? Those who never say „Why?” raise your hands. There are very few of you. Of the residents of Bharat, those who say „Why? What?” instead of „Wah, wah”, raise your hand. Do you say, „Why?” or „What?”? Who has given you permission? Your sanskars? Your old sanskars have given you permission to say „Why? why?” and the Father says, „Say: Wah, wah!” Do not say, „Why? Why?” So, now, what will you do in the New Year? Will you say, „Wah, wah”? Or, should Baba give you permission to sometimes say „Why? why?”? „Why?” is not good. When you have a gas problem (vai – gas problem in Hindi), your stomach is upset, is it not? So, „Why?” is like a gastric problem. Do not do this. „Wah, wah!” seems so good. All of you also say, „Wah, wah”.. those who are listening and seeing from far away in Bharat and abroad, Baba is also asking those children: Do you say „Wah, wah” or „Why? why?”? Today, it is the day of farewell. Today is the day of farewell, the last day of the year. So, all of you have the thought that you will no longer say „Why?”. You will not even think about it. Not a question mark, not an exclamation mark, just a full-stop. When you write a question mark, it is so crooked, whereas to write a full-stop is so easy. Simply merge the Father, the Point, in your eyes. Just as the pupil with which you see is in the eye, in the same way, always merge the Father, the Point, in your eyes. Do you know how to merge Him? Or does it not fit? Does it go up or down? So, what will you do? What will you bid farewell to? To „Why?” Let there never be the sign of even an exclamation mark: How is this possible? Does this also happen? „It should not happen, so why does it happen?” Let there be no question mark or even an exclamation mark. Just the Father and I. Many children say, „This takes place all the time, does it not?” They tell BapDada very entertaining things in their heart-to-heart conversations. They can’t tell Baba everything personally, face to face, and so they tell everything in their heart-to- heart conversations. OK, whatever happens is fine (chalta hai – going along), but you don’t have to walk (chalna – to walk), you have to fly. So, why do you look at the things that just move along. Fly and make others fly. Good wishes and pure feelings are so powerful, but there should be no „why?” in-between. There should be nothing except good wishes and pure feelings. These are so powerful that you can transform someone with impure feelings with your own pure feelings. OK, if you are unable to transform them, then the second option is: If your good wishes and pure feelings are imperishable, not those for just some time, but imperishable, then you cannot be influenced by their impure feelings. When you begin to ask, „Why is this happening? How long will this continue? How will this continue?”, then the power of good wishes reduces. Otherwise, the thoughts of your good wishes and pure feelings have a lot of power. Look, all of you came to BapDada. Remember your first day. What did BapDada do? Whether it was impure ones, sinful ones, ordinary ones or those with different attitudes and different feelings who came, what did BapDada do? He had good wishes for you, did He not? You are Mine. You are master almighty authorities. You are seated on the heart-throne. He had these good wishes and pure feelings for you, did He not? It is with this that you belonged to the Father. Did the Father ever say, „Why have you sinners come?” He always had good wishes, „You are My children. You are master almighty authorities.” When the Father had good wishes and pure feelings for you, what did your heart say? „My Baba”. And what did the Father say? „My children”. If you continue to have good wishes and pure feelings in the same way, what will you be able to see? My sweet brother of the previous cycle, my long-lost and now-found sister. Transformation will take place.
So this year, demonstrate this by doing something. Don’t just raise your hands. It is very easy to raise your hands. Raise the hand of your mind. Why? Is there a lot of work still to be done? When BapDada looks around and sees the souls of the world, He feels a lot of mercy. Now, even the elements of nature are fed up. Nature itself is now fed up, so what can she do? She is causing distress to souls. And seeing the children, the Father feels mercy. Do all of you not feel mercy? You hear the news and you become quiet. That is all. So many souls have gone. Those souls have been deprived of Baba’s message. At least now become bestowers, become merciful. This will only happen, and you will have mercy only when the attitude of unlimited disinterest emerges in yourself right from the start of this year. An attitude of unlimited disinterest. The awareness of the body and body consciousness is also a lack of the awareness of unlimited disinterest. Little things, trivial, limited things make your stage fluctuate. What is the reason? The attitude of unlimited disinterest is lacking. There is attachment. There isn’t disinterest, but there is attachment. When you have complete unlimited disinterest, when there is disinterest even in your attitude, disinterest in your vision, in your relationships and connections, and in service, only then will the gates to the land of liberation open. The souls that leave now will take rebirth and again experience sorrow. But you are the ones who are the instruments to open the gates to the land of liberation, are you not? You are companions of Father Brahma, are you not? So, the attitude of unlimited disinterest is the key to open the gates. The key has not yet been used; the key has not even been made yet. Even Father Brahma is still waiting. The advance party is also waiting. The elements of nature are also waiting. They are very fed up. Even Maya is counting her days. Now speak, O master almighty authorities. Tell Me what you are going to do.
This year, you will bring about some newness, will you not? You call it the New Year, and so you will do something new, will you not? So, now prepare the key for having an attitude of unlimited disinterest, and for going to the land of liberation. All of you are also going to go to the land of liberation first, are you not? You promised Father Brahma that you will go with him, that you will come down with him, that you will rule the kingdom with him and perform devotion with him. So, now make preparations. Will you do it this year or do you want another year? Those who think that they will repeatedly have „attention please”, raise your hands. Will you do it? Then the advance party will give you many congratulations. They too are tired. Achcha, what are the teachers saying? What are those in the first row saying? First of all, the Shaktis and Pandavas in the first row, who will do this? Raise your hands. Not half way; if you raise your hands half way, it will be said that you will only do it by half. Raise your hands high. Achcha. Congratulations. Congratulations. Baba is asking the double foreigners to raise their hands. Double foreigners, look at one another and see who hasn’t raised his or her hand. It is not possible to see from far away. Achcha. This Sindhi group is also raising their hands; it is a wonder! Will you also do this? Will the Sindhi group do this? Then, double congratulations. Very good. Whilst giving company to one another, whilst signaling with good wishes, and with joined hands, you have to do it. Achcha.
(Someone in the gathering shouted.) Everyone, sit down. It is nothing new. Achcha, those from Madhuban, raise your hands! Those who are listening upstairs (in Madhuban) are also raising their hands. Even those in this land and abroad are raising their hands. It is good. There is power in a gathering. Give one another the signal of good wishes. Do not say anything. If you tell anyone anything, there will be a quarrel. Just give a signal with good wishes. You know how to signal with good wishes, do you not? You can give a signal of good wishes. Achcha.
BapDada is pleased that the Diamond Hall that BapDada had built is being used in a worthwhile way. Therefore, may you be successful. Use every second, every thought, every word, every step and every object in a worthwhile way and enable others to use everything in a worthwhile way also. This year, after midnight, give yourself the first blessing on behalf of BapDada: May you be successful. Even your thoughts should not be unsuccessful because even one pure thought of yours will benefit the world. It is so invaluable. One second is the basis of world benefit. Therefore, use everything in a worthwhile way and become an embodiment of success. Simply check this: Was the second that passed or the thought you had successful? So, today, the majority are sitting on the floor. Those on the floor are the queens of the floor, and these people are the queens and kings of the couches and chairs. There is pleasure in this, is there not? You are not tired, are you? Today, it has been a long time. And you came to get your seat at 3.00 pm. BapDada continues to see everything. Those who came to the hall from 3.00 or 4.00 pm, raise your hands. Look at the TV, how many there are! They are all raising their hands. Some came at 3.00, some at 4.00 pm. Those who came at 3.00 pm; you have the blessing of being Trilokinath. You have done a lot on the path of devotion, and so you also do it here, once a year. It will not be like this in your kingdom. The Father won’t come there, and neither will you. Where will you sit? So, experience the pleasure now. You are not sitting on the floor. BapDada is seeing you seated on the heart-throne. The scene is a very beautiful one. All of you are sitting as points. Are you feeling cold? The cold has gone away, has it not? Achcha.
Now become a point in one second and remember the Father, the Point, and whatever situations there are, put a full-stop to them. Can you do that? In one second, I am Baba’s and Baba is mine. Achcha.
It is the turn of Maharashtra to serve everyone: You get a good golden chance. Every zone receives a golden chance. In these 15-20 days, you fill your store-house of charity by serving true Brahmins. Why? You do good service and so what emerges in everyone’s heart? Very good, very good, very good! So, these blessings are accumulated in your account of charity. It is easy for any one of you to accumulate in your account of charity. You do this with the power of yoga anyway, but if you want to accumulate in your account of charity even whilst performing these actions, then serve the yagya in the karma-yogi stage and your account will overflow. This is an easy method. You are from Maharashtra and the numbers from Maharashtra are great (large number). There are many centres, and there are countless Gita Pathshalas. It is good. BapDada sees that all those who surrender their lives for service out of their own desire, those surrendered children definitely easily attain a means for their livelihood. Eat, drink and sing praise of God. When you do service, give lectures and courses, what is that? You are only singing God’s praise at that time, are you not? And BapDada is bound to give you daal and roti. He may not feed you 36 varieties of food; you will only sometimes be given that. That is also very good. Even if you are serving as trustees, if you are trustees – true trustees, not selfish trustees – if you are true trustees, then BapDada can never let you go hungry. He will definitely give you daal and roti. Does BapDada remain hungry? BapDada doesn’t remain hungry because all of you offer bhog. All of you do offer bhog, do you not? You don’t become too tricky at that time, do you? Not that you feed Baba one morsel and you then forget Him, no! If you are a trustee, then BapDada is also bound. So, just as Maharashtra is great, are there also just as many great heirs? There are, are there not? Now, this year, BapDada will ask for a list of how many heir quality souls there are in each zone. We will have a ceremony of those heirs. You teachers know them, do you not? We shall see which is the number one zone in this. It will be Maharashtra, will it not? Very good. Who are the firm heirs? How many are there? And the mega programmes you had this year were very good. How many programmes have been held? Where have the programmes been held? (15 to 16 programmes have taken place.) BapDada saw that some programmes were carried out by zones and some programmes were carried out by just the centres and their local neighbouring centres. Which places were those? (Mangalore, Sambalpur, Vilaspur, Pune, Mehsana). So, they performed wonders, did they not? Have they come? Who has come? Those from Pune, stand up. The teachers from Pune, stand up. Pune also performed wonders. It is good. You have claimed a good certificate. Achcha, Mehsana, you have already done it, congratulations. Brothers from Vilaspur have also come. Congratulations to them too. Is there anyone from Sambalpur? A few have come. Congratulations to you too. You did it with courage and thereby achieved success. So, congratulations for your success. Achcha. That has been done. What does BapDada now want? All the professions (wings) have been served, but BapDada now wants that all the service that all the wings have done from the beginning until now – for instance, BapDada has invited the mikes, they were numberwise mikes, not all were powerful, some were of a medium level. However, BapDada now wants to know for all this time that you have been serving in the different wings, how many IPs or VIPs have emerged from each zone, who would say that they believe in this knowledge? They should not just sing praise that this work is very good, and that no one else can do it. They should not just say this, but they should believe in this knowledge. BapDada wants to see such a knowledge-full group. Is this clear? So, in this season, in the last turn of the season, all those IPs who come, and the fortune of the VIPs is a little bit later, but now bring in front of BapDada a group of IPs who believe in knowledge. They should do service. Baba will make them instruments for service. Is this OK? Now, this is the homework for the different wings for the New Year because one or another wing definitely comes all the time.
To the Cultural Wing: What else do you prove when those from the cultural wing show cultural programmes? Whatever cultural programmes you have, what character is visible through your face, behaviour and actions? Is it visible that these have an elevated character? Say yes or no. If yes, then wave your hands. You keep both aims. Everyone holds cultural programmes, but when you show the cultural programmes or have programmes, let there not be just the cultural programmes, but let these also be filled with moral values and with character. What will happen through that? Those who see this will easily be attracted and they will feel that they too should imbibe that character. Many don’t want to listen to knowledge, they will not listen to knowledge directly, but through your cultural programmes, they will learn about character. So, you are doing this, but keep this aim even more, that those who see these programmes should at the least receive a signal of moral values. They should at least be attracted to this, that we also have to do this. You are doing well. Whatever all the wings are doing, BapDada is pleased to see the effort and result of every wing. And after this service of the different wings started, many brothers and sisters received a chance to come forward onto the field of service, and they remain busy. This is why BapDada likes the service of the wings. All of you are doing this. Sometimes it is one wing, and at other times it is another wing. So, are all of you OK? Very OK, or just OK? Very OK? Are you intense effort-makers or just effort-makers? Are you moving along well or flying? What would you say? You now have to fly and make others fly. The time for walking is now over, just as the season for bullock-carts is now over, and you now have cars. Previously, you only used to travel in bullock-carts. So, the time for walking is now over. You now have to fly. Achcha. Sit down.
To the Jurists: Good ones have come. Congratulations. Judges and lawyers are those who create a sound in a practical way, are they not? So, you too demonstrate this by creating the sound of spirituality that can be heard loudly, so that it is in everyone’s vision how much difference there is between ordinary lawyers and judges and spiritual lawyers and judges. It will happen. BapDada has heard that you have thought about trying to prove who the God of the Gita is. Think about it. You will have to make someone an instrument for this. There should be some judges and some religious souls. Prepare two to four from both groups. They will have to come onto the field of service. Have meetings amongst yourselves. All of you judges should meet together and think of a plan. And there are also the righteous souls: both groups should meet together and discuss this. Then you will be able to do something. It will happen. It has to happen. Congratulations. To all those who have come, special congratulations to you. Achcha.
Many double foreigners have come. The double foreigners are the special decoration of Shantivan and Madhuban. BapDada sees that each child is a special double hero. You are a jewel and you are also those who play a hero part. So each of you double foreigners is a double hero. Look, you have come from so many countries. You become ready there and you begin to serve there too. You were told how many countries have been represented. (from 45 countries.) Achcha, those from the 45 countries, one person from each country, raise your hand. And you are serving there. Even a little child is waving his hand. Congratulations. Achcha. Those from the 45 countries, raise your hands high. Multimillion-fold congratulations to those from the 45 countries. (A young children’s retreat is taking place now.) All of you see how good this group of the children is. How many countries are the children from? (28 children from 15 countries.) You can sing your song. (Children sang the song: I belong to Baba and Baba belongs to me.) Achcha. Do all of you children have amrit vela? Those children who have amrit vela, raise your hands! Achcha, those who have amrit vela sometimes, raise your hands. There are more children who have amrit vela sometimes. Achcha, do you fight and quarrel? Those who do not fight, raise your hands. So, now, when you go from here, do not fight because you are Brahma Kumars, are you not? Since you Brahma Kumars said, „I am Baba’s and Baba is mine”, you mustn’t fight. Otherwise, Baba will not be yours. Will you now fight? Will you now bring about transformation? Now, all the teachers, report as to whether they fight nor not. Otherwise, congratulations. It is good. You have made good effort and therefore multimillion-fold congratulations. (Youth group from abroad has also come.) (They showed Baba the sign of „My Baba”.) Very good. You may applaud. BapDada heard the result that in their efforts, the youth group brought a lot of depth. You went into the depths and subtlety of your efforts, and so always continue to move forward in your efforts. Do not move back, always stay ahead. Continue to move forward and continue to fly. Congratulations. Congratulations. Congratulations. Achcha.
(Dadi Janki asked BapDada how the millions of souls of the world can receive BapDada’s message this year.) „How can they experience, „My Baba”? What plans should we make for that?”
Create some groups for that. Make a small group who can churn this because you have been told the methods. Each one of you has to keep the aim of how many souls you served throughout the day through the thoughts in your mind, your vibrations, words, relationships and connection. Whether you served through your mind, through your vibrations and attitude, through your words, through a programme or through relationships or connections, through your behaviour and face, each one of you has to note down what the result of your service for the whole day was. Prepare a group that thinks about this; those who cannot stay without doing service. Seeing them, everyone else will follow. However, there has to be a balance between your own stage and the stage of service. Then service will increase a great deal. And others will also feel enthusiastic that there is a balance. If you simply do service, they will say, „This one is someone who always talks about it”. However, prepare a small group who takes the initiative that they will maintain their own stage and also serve with the methods that have been shown. Let there be a group of this example, and then as is said: There is a diwali (string of lights) from one light. Therefore, in this way, there will continue to be growth from the one group. Achcha.
All of you remember the homework for the year, do you not? Do you remember what you have to bid farewell to and how you have to celebrate this year? Now, BapDada will also see the result of one month. Simply write: I served this percentage: 40%, 80%, 20%, 10%. Simply write the percentage. Do not write long letters. Then, BapDada will give a prize to those who claim the first number. However, there has to be a balance between the self and service. There has to be a balance of contentment and happiness. Is that OK? Everyone will write their result. Simply write the percentage. „Sweet Dadi, yogyukt Dadi…” etc, do not write such long letters. Simply write your percentage because there isn’t time to read them. Then a prize will be given. BapDada will give a prize to the one who claims number one from the whole family. This will be from the result of one month. The season will continue for a month longer. Is this OK? Do you like it? Did you understand? Did the mothers understand? Did the teachers understand? Did those sitting at the back understand? Those sitting at the back, raise your hands. Achcha.
To all the children from everywhere who are the masters of the New Age, to all the children from everywhere who celebrate the New Year with zeal and enthusiasm, who constantly fly and make others fly, to such children who are in the flying stage, to the victorious jewels who will become the beads of the rosary of victory through intense effort, BapDada’s tray full of congratulations filled with blessings for the New Year and the New Age, multimillion-fold congratulations, congratulations. You may applaud with one hand (wave your hand). Achcha. What are we going to do now?
To Dadiji: No matter what your health is like, you are looking after yourself very well. You are looking after yourself well. Everyone is being sustained by seeing the unity of you Dadis, your faces and your activities. You have had the Father’s hand and His company from the first day. You will always have that with you. Achcha.
To Dadi Janki: Are the lands abroad OK? It is not a big thing; everything will be OK.
Three sisters had come from Rajasthan: The teachers who have come from Rajasthan, stand up. The Trimurti has come. It has become easy, has it not? It was easy. Your courage increased. You will now not say that it is very difficult, will you? Now, you have to do ten-fold. Demonstrate this by doing this 10-fold. Rajasthan-Paristhan. You have to make Rajasthan into Paristhan. Therefore, maintain courage and continue to move forward. Now, spread the sound. You have spread the sound. Now invite the VIPs whose addresses you have to a loving gathering (sneh-milan). The iron is now hot and so whatever you want to create is possible. So, now, whatever places are close to Jaipur, invite them there. And in-between have loving gatherings in Rajasthan every now and again. Feed them Brahma bhojan. You do that for Brahmins anyway, but also have it for VIPs. Let IPs go become alert and then Rajasthan can go ahead. You have done very well. Congratulations. It has become easy. Congratulations. (Congratulations to Baba.) Congratulations to the Dadis. You did well. Now, always do it together in this way. Have two to three programmes this year. Sometimes, this place and sometimes another place. Achcha.
To Dadi Nirmalashanta: Your face is looking beautiful. You don’t look ill. (I am not ill.) It is good. Very good.
To Rukmaniben, the sister who looks after Dadi Nirmalashanta: This one is also working hard. You haven’t become tired, have you? You served very well with your heart, congratulations for that. Congratulations.
After midnight, BapDada gave all the children greetings for the New Year 2005: To all the long-lost and now-found, beloved children seated on the heart-throne; those who are self-sovereigns, greetings and congratulations for the New Year and the New Age. This year, always give greetings to everyone and receive greetings. Imbibe qualifications with this aim and continue to fly and make others fly. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations.
* * * O M S H A N T I * * *
The formatting of this Murli is subject to change (i.e., italicization of English words, etc.).
Murli Revision with s. Jayanti 1.01.2025 (YT Swadarshan by Aruna Ladva)
Jedna odpowiedź do “Right from the beginning of this year, emerge the attitude of unlimited disinterest. This is the key for the gate to the land of liberation”
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